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Orthodontic Teeth Straightening with Invisible and Active Clear Aligners

Dorp Street Dental is committed to enhancing your smile with expert care, ensuring consistent results and a pleasant experience.

Over 15 million people worldwide have chosen Invisalign clear aligners to achieve a radiant smile that stands out without the appearance of traditional braces.

Gone are the days of uncomfortable and prolonged wear of traditional metal braces, with memories of the dreaded “tin-grin” or “railway tracks” fading away. It’s refreshing to see the advancements in orthodontics, which have made the process of teeth straightening more comfortable and less daunting.

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How does Invisalign work in South Africa?

During your initial consultation with an Invisalign specialist, they will thoroughly examine your teeth and take impressions to create a 3D image of your mouth. The Clincheck software will then be used to analyse the current position of your teeth and create a customised treatment plan that considers your specific needs and goals. With each set of aligners, your teeth will gradually shift into the desired position, and the treatment duration will depend on the severity of your case. Rest assured that your Invisalign specialist will closely monitor your progress throughout the treatment to ensure optimal results.

How Does Invisalign Differ from Other Clear and Active Type Aligners in South Africa?

Genuine Invisalign is better than copycat products for several reasons. First and foremost, Invisalign is backed by over two decades of research and development, making it a trusted and proven treatment option. Additionally, Invisalign aligners are custom-made to fit your unique mouth and teeth, ensuring optimal comfort and effectiveness. On the other hand, copycat products are often mass-produced and may not provide the same level of customisation and attention to detail. Finally, Invisalign specialists are highly trained and experienced in administering the treatment, ensuring that you receive the best possible care throughout your treatment journey.

Dentist Appointment

Invisalign Treatment Process

  • We use an iTero™ Scanner to take a 3D scan of your dentition.

  • You will see an instant Invisalign Outcome Simulation™ unique to Invisalign.

  • Subsequently, a digital replica of your teeth is crafted, and your treatment plan is electronically uploaded onto the Invisalign Doctor Site.

  • Your Invisalign Provider at OptiSmile in Stellenbosch will work with Dr Harris Smeyatsky, our Clinical Director of Invisalign, and highly qualified technicians at Invisalign to create a Clincheck™ Plan for your specific treatment/teeth straightening requirement.

  • Invisalign in the USA uses 3D printing technology to make clear active aligners to adjust your teeth incrementally.

  • Upon the clear active aligners’ arrival at our clinic, we’ll arrange an appointment for their fitting.

  • During subsequent visits, you’ll receive your clear aligners.

  • These aligners should snugly cover your teeth and be worn for 20-22 hours daily.

  • It’s imperative to transition to a new set of aligners every week.

  • We’ll create spaces between specific teeth to facilitate the desired movements as required.

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